skysnown 发表于 2024-3-5 18:40:01

Minecraft Snapshot 24w09a

Hello! Here is a slightly bigger than usual snapshot with a lot of technical changes, refreshed UI, another iteration of Wolf Armor, and tweaks to new features.你好!这是一个比平时稍大亿点点的快照,其中有很多技术变化、更新的UI、狼铠的另一次迭代以及对新功能的调整。Since the initial release of the Wolf Armor, we have been working on improving it to increase its protection, usability and add customization.自狼铠首次发布以来,我们一直在努力改进它,以提高其保护性、可用性并增加自定义功能。For protection there is a new approach to armor, which considers the player's need to quickly see the state of the armor without using UI elements, and the ability to act quickly to help their pet wolf if needed.在保护的方面,狼铠有一个新的更新:它考虑到玩家需要在不使用狼及狼铠的UI元素的情况下快速查看盔甲的状态,以及在需要时快速行动帮助宠物狼的能力。Please try it out and let us know what you think over at the feedback site: Let's talk about Wolf Armor!请试一下狼铠,有问题的话,在反馈网站上告诉我们你的问题、想法:Let's talk about Wolf Armor!EXPERIMENTAL FEATURES实验性更新BOGGED沼骷
[*]The Bogged drops 2 mushrooms (either both red/brown or one of each) when sheared
[*]Updated Bogged texture and model

[*]Removed randomness from the radius of both Breeze- and player-shot Wind Charges




[*]Additional changes to the Vault texture to even further distinguish from Trial Spawners



[*]Changes to Wolf Armor


[*]The game's UI has been updated with a fresher look


[*]Ctrl+Picking a renamed block (such as a Chest) in Creative Mode will now give a renamed item




[*]The Wolf Armor will protect the wolf from most damage sources until the armor loses all durability and breaks


[*]Wolf Armor shows signs of increased breakage as durability goes down


[*]Players can repair the Wolf Armor with Armadillo Scutes while it is equipped on the Wolf


[*]Wolf armor can be dyed in similar fashion to Leather Armor


[*]The Wolf's owner can now repair Wolf Armor on a Wolf



The UI has been updated to sport a fresher look and to be more consistent when it comes to the layout of different UI elements, all while retaining the essence and feel of the old screens.


As always, we're eager to hear your thoughts and opinions on further improvements or changes. Let us know what you think over at the dedicated feedback site.


[*]The menu background dirt texture has been replaced by a darkened background


[*]The dirt texture has been moved to the build-in Programmer Art Resource Pack


[*]Outside the game, the menu Panorama is displayed across all screen


[*]In the game, the world will be visible across all screens


[*]Paired with the darkened background is a blur


[*]The strength of the blur can be configured in Accessibility Settings


[*]In-game screens such as containers and books are not affected by these changes


[*]Screen elements such as titles and buttons are positioned more consistently across different screens


[*]The Player and World Backups screens in Realms have been updated


[*]Lists now have clearer borders at the top and bottom


[*]After defeating the Ender Dragon and entering the End Portal, the End Poem and credits are now displayed with a background based on the animated End Portal effect




[*]The Data Pack version is now 33


[*]The Resource Pack version is now 28


[*]playsound command can now be used without specifying the player (assuming @s) and without specifying the mixer (assuming master)


[*]In single player, when errors occur during loading or saving of chunks a warning will be shown in a toast


[*]Trying join a single player world with less than 64 MB free disk space will show a warning screen

      尝试加入可用磁盘空间小于64 MB的单人游戏世界将显示警告屏幕

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查看完整版本: Minecraft Snapshot 24w09a